The Lockdown Hobby Train has no breaks!

I’ve not posted much lately and that’s largely due to how busy my work life has been since the pandemic containment measures were put into place here in the UK.

That said I have been making the most of what free time I have for hobby and have been keeping sane by working on a number of projects at the same time to keep things varied & prevent a case of hobby burnout.


I decided that it’s been a while since I’ve done anything Middle Earth and have cracked open a tasty fresh Thornin’s Company boxed set from GW:


I’ve been resisting the urge to grab & paint this box for a while and so am really looking forward to painting these up.

Age of Sigmar


This is my most recent project. Working on a 2k force of Fyreslayers with a traditional Slayer vibe. Using older Slayer character sculpts for the majority of the characters in the army (apart from the Runemaster) and the Hearthguard for the body of the list. Here’s what I’ve managed to whip up recently:

Project Snuffy

In the last week or so I have been distracted by my desire to do some work on a long neglected project. Meet Snuffy, my Chaos War Mammoth:

This beauty is part of my existing Khorne force for Age of Sigmar. I’m almost there now, there’s a few details to fill in within the howdah & then I need to paint up the rest of the marauder crew.

Renegades and Heretics

At the moment I have a bunch of Thudd Guns and crew on the go as well as a couple of Malefic Lords and an extra Enforcer and Vox-caster:


Sadly I wasn’t able to get my hands on actual Renegade Artillery Crew, so I used some of my spare Militia torso to whip some extra bodies for the Revolution.

There’s also my Marine project…but as usual…they are being neglected 😛

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