Thorin’s Company…part 1

During my last post, which if anything highlighted my scatter-gun approach to hobby, I had just enthusiastically ripped the cellophane off of my Thorin’s Company box. The ripping was then followed by cleaning, base building and getting a feel for my neighbour’s movements during in quarantine so that I can avoid them on my way to the basement for priming.

Since then I have been busy with the brushes and have painted my first six minis from the set…which is also, coincidentally the first 550pts of a project 🙂

Here’s the progress so far…

Thorin's Company

Thorin Oakenshield

Thorin Oakenshield

Balin the Dwarf

Balin the Dwarf

Dwalin the Dwarf

Dwalin the Dwarf

Gloin the Dwarf

Gloin the Dwarf

Oin the Dwarf

Oin the Dwarf

Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf the Grey

Might paint something else for now, so as to avoid burnout, but there is a box of Eagles on the way to join these chaps.

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