The Ringwraiths have been summoned to Dol Guldur

As a break from painting Dwarves, both Age of Sigmar and Middle Earth SBG, I decided to work on my Evil force for MESBG…which if you’ve not guessed by the title is The Dark Powers of Dol Guldur…


Obviously the easiest version of the Dol Guldur list is to just take the Necromancer & the Nine…which is exactly what I’ve done 😛

I took a few days of work & in between some expert level slouching around the house I set myself a challenege to get these done before I have to go back to world of work & Teams meetings.

Here’s the fruit of my labour:

Sauron the Necromancer


The Nazgul of Dol Guldur


Castellans of Dol Guldur


Got these boys & a couple of Fell Wargs to mix things up a bit occasionally.

So that was a week off well spent. Not sure what to paint next, the new 40k reveal has given me an urge to paint something for that…could this be the year my marines are finally painted?

…nah probably not lol.

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